PR - 2016112404 - Yoswit set to become perfect travel companion for 2017

A portable smart home hub is set to become the ideal travel companion for 2017 as the raise of gadgets continues to have an impact on every aspect of daily lives. Combining transportable, innovative smart home features that can be taken anywhere with a whole host of other useful additions that are perfect for those heading to a new destination means the Yoswit Portable IR Hub is set to become the must have tool for those seeking an adventure and jetting off next year.
While the portable smart home abilities are ideal for holidaymakers too, it’s the extra built-in features that can be a benefit while travelling. Every traveller knows the hassle of waiting for their luggage to arrive at the airport but Yoswit’s luggage arrival alert means that users can simply sit back and relax with a coffee knowing they’ll receive a message directly to their smartphone when their luggage arrives. At airport terminals and other transport hubs, theft can be another concern for travellers but the Yoswit device will beep loudly should their luggage be removed by someone, giving them extra peace of minf.
Colin Ng, Marketing Manager of Yoswit, said, “Heading off on holiday should be a time for relaxation and building memories but parts of it can be stressful too. We aim to take some of that hassle out of the travelling process by giving users of the portable smart home hub access to a range of features that can benefit them as they head to a new destination or back home.”
Yoswit’s Portable IR Hub uses Bluetooth technology to allow users to benefit from smart home features wherever they are, even when they are visiting another country. The intelligent device can connect to home appliances and create each user’s preferred environment, such as setting an optimal temperature and turning the TV on. It can work in any space, including hotel rooms and rented holiday apartments by simply setting it down where it will then create a home away from home. It’s ability to connect to 90% of global brands and adapt to commands that aren’t already stored in its extensive IR library means the gadget is flexible and can operate in a range of environments.
To be among the first to access the travel benefits of Yoswit, consumers can support its current crowdfunding campaign on platform Indiegogo. The business is seeking to raise $30,000 to take the unique gadget to the next phase and launch it into the global markets, helping travellers worldwide.
To support the Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign visit